Information about your health is private. And it should remain private. That is why healthcare institutions are required by federal and state law to protect and maintain the privacy of health information.
However, some of our patients have needs that go beyond just “privacy”. They need to remain anonymous, with no direct connections to their true identity.
Prescribing Life offers our patients Incognito Health Care where they can use an anonymous identity or a pseudonym within our practice.
Privacy – No one seeing what you do but potentially knowing who you are.
Anonymity - Your identity remains anonymous and separate from your true identity.
Pseudonymity – When you wish to retain a reputation, an alias, a cover against an identity.
When you need your very own Keyser Soze.
Using anonymizing services such as Fake Name Generator will establish a new alias that you can use for your private anonymous healthcare activity.
You do not need to create an alias in order to submit an intake form. However, if you would like to create and establish a reusable alias the detailed steps are listed below in the ‘HOW TO CREATE MY ALIAS’ section.
How to create my alias
Go to the Fake Name Generator website
2. Click the Generate button to create a new identity
3. Sign in to Google using a fake Google account
4. ‘Click the Save This Name’ button to save your new alias.
5. Click the ‘View Your Names’ button to see your saved alias
6. Click the email link associated with your saved alias
7. Here you will see all emails sent to your alias
For Treatment: You will be known as your alias.
For Payment: We accept Bitcoin for anonymous payment transactions.